Are you ready for Hair Transplant? Here is how you can


Many people are eager to get a hair transplant. But, you should be completely ready for the process. You can do the research beforehand and find out what to expect. Also, you can choose to consult hair transplant Oakville for further information. Below are some major factors to consider while going for the treatment.

Scalp massage one month in advance

You can start massaging your scalp for 10 minutes to 30 minutes per day. It can help with the blood flow and promote healing once you have got the hair transplant done.

Check the ECG

An ECG and blood test is done to check if your blood pressure and heart rate are under control. It is to ensure you are not under any stress during the treatment.

Do not smoke

This is the first and foremost thing to do before undergoing hair transplant surgery. This surely applies to people who are indulging in smoking but it is also for people who stay around someone who smokes. Smoking during the treatment can cause a delay in healing and do not give you the desired result after the hair transplant. Although it is tough, you have to take precautions for a week only.

Do not drink

Another important thing is to avoid excessive drinking. The same rule applies as it is for smoking. In case you are drinking too much, the surgery may get affected. This is because it may affect the anesthesia process.

 Discuss what medicines you are taking

Consult a doctor at hair transplant Oakville to know about the precautions. This is because you may be taking some medicines which you need to share with your doctor. These medications may affect the surgery process. Also, ask about the ramifications in case you need to come off certain medications. Two weeks before hair transplant you should stop taking anti-inflammatory medication or aspirin. This is because it may affect the recovery process.

You should also inform the doctor in case you are taking blood-thinning pills or antidepressants.

The doctor may also ask you to take Vitamin C tablets for faster healing.

Find out about Anesthesia

While discussing anesthesia, you should prepare for it well in advance. Whether you want to go for local anesthesia or any other alternate options, is what you need to discuss.

Discussion can help in overcoming the anxiety.

How to go back home after surgery?

After the surgery, you cannot go back home on your own. Hence, you will have to plan this. You will need someone to take you home from the surgery location.

So the above points are there which you need to consider for your hair transplant surgery. Do not overlook them.

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